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R package containing functions to obtain descriptive statistics and conduct various forms of analyses using the Open Discourse database.

The package is currently under development, while a majority of functions are already working robustly while being tested.

Currently, the package is based on a functional approach, while the goal is to provide an additional OOP infrastructure by using R6 object classes (currently working: OpenDiscourse(), currently not working: OData()).

One of the main advantages of using an OOP framework lies in the exclusive allocation of functions (methods). Users would be able to see all available methods, while misuse and confusions are inhibited, which should ease the usage of the package and thus make users more easily comfortable in working with the Open Discourse database.


You can install the package with devtools::install_github("open-discourse/opendiscouRse").


get functions

count functions

  • count_data(): Count observations by grouping variables.
  • rel_freq_data(): Relative frequencies in data when grouping by more than one variable.

plot functions