3.4 Politicians Table
This table contains information about every politician that was a member of parliament or member of the government since 1949.
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id | firstName | lastName | birthPlace | birthCountry | birthDate | deathDate | gender | profession | aristocracy | academicTitle |
11000001 | Manfred | Abelein | Stuttgart | Deutschland | 1930-10-20 | 2008-01-17 | männlich | Rechtsanwalt, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Universitätsprofessor | NA | Prof. Dr. |
11000002 | Ernst | Achenbach | Siegen | Deutschland | 1909-04-09 | 1991-12-02 | männlich | Rechtsanwalt und Notar | NA | Dr. |
11000003 | Annemarie | Ackermann | Parabutsch | Jugoslawien | 1913-05-26 | 1994-02-18 | weiblich | Hilfsreferentin | NA | NA |
11000004 | Else | Ackermann | Berlin | Deutschland | 1933-11-06 | 2019-09-14 | weiblich | Ärztin | NA | Dr. |
11000005 | Ulrich | Adam | Teterow, Kr. Teterow, Bezirk Neubrandenburg | Deutschland | 1950-06-09 | NA | männlich | Mathematiker, Geschäftsführer | NA | NA |
11000007 | Rudolf | Adams | Masburg / Kreis Cochem | Deutschland | 1919-11-10 | 2013-05-25 | männlich | Gewerkschaftssekretär | NA | NA |
11000008 | Raban | Adelmann | Düsseldorf | Deutschland | 1912-09-28 | 1992-01-25 | männlich | Landwirt, Weingutbesitzer | Graf | NA |
11000009 | Konrad | Adenauer | Köln | Deutschland | 1876-01-05 | 1967-04-19 | männlich | Bundeskanzler a. D. | NA | Dr. |
11000010 | Brigitte | Adler | Drangstedt / Krs. Wesermünde | Deutschland | 1944-06-22 | 2004-10-25 | weiblich | Reallehrerin | NA | NA |
11000011 | Eduard | Adorno | München | Deutschland | 1920-10-31 | 2000-12-28 | männlich | Dipl.-Landwirt, Landesminister a. D. | NA | NA |
this preview depicts the first 10 rows of the politicians table.
The politicians table has the following dimensions:
Feature | Total |
Number of observations | 4102 |
Number of variables | 11 |
3.4.1 Politicians summary table
Variable | Class | # unique | Missing Values | Description |
id | integer64 | 4102 | 0.02% | Primary Key. The missing value count is due to the fact that one ID represents missing information about a politician (-1) |
firstName | character | 990 | 0.00% | First name of the politician. |
lastName | character | 3281 | 0.02% | Last name of the politician. |
birthPlace | character | 2180 | 0.46% | Place of birth of the politician. |
birthCountry | character | 39 | 0.39% | Country of birth of the politician. |
birthDate | Date | 3846 | 0.39% | Date of birth of the politician. |
deathDate | Date | 1783 | 54.58% | Date of death of the politician. |
gender | character | 3 | 0.39% | Gender of the politician. |
profession | character | 2208 | 0.39% | Profession of the politician. |
aristocracy | character | 10 | 99.05% | Royal/noble rank of the politician. |
academicTitle | character | 19 | 74.43% | Academic title of the politician. |
3.4.2 Additional Remarks
All meta information about the politicians is directly drawn from the base data of the MPs. The Open Discourse corpus only contains a selection of the publicly available personal details of the politicians. A comprehensive resource of the available meta data can be found on the website of the Bundestag. There are some rare cases in which people were members of the government but never held a mandate as a member of the parliament. These politicians are not covered in the base data mentioned above. To fill this gap in the base data, we merge the file with data retrieved from Wikipedia.
Genders in the Open Discourse database are based on the information drawn from the meta data mentioned above. At the time being this data source only distinguishes between female and male and hence the Open Discourse data also follows this binary gender system.
An exception to this binary classification are the politicians retrieved from Wikipedia. The Open Discourse data does not have any information about their gender.